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Average apartments price in Russia
4 234 $/m² -1.96%
Saint Petersburg
2 157 $/m² -0.09%
Exchange rates of Russia Central Bank

Analysis of Russian real estate market:

Choose a city:  Moscow,  Moscow Oblast,
 Saint Petersburg,  Leningrad Oblast
 Average apartment cost, Ukhta - 06.01.2020:
RUB: 48 414 Rub/m² *USD: 782 $/m²**EUR: 698 /m²
USD: 73 $/ft²GBP: 55 £/ft²**CHF: 758 Fr/m²
CNY: 5 448 /m²JPY: 84 975 ¥/m²
Apartment price dynamics in Ukhta
Graph of apartment price changes in Ukhta
Change of cost per square foot in Ukhta per week (USD):+0.70%
Change of average apartment cost in rubles per week, Ukhta:+0.50%
* calculated weighted mean of apartment cost per 1 square foot/meter in Ukhta secondary housing market. Among prices in range from 20 to 200 thousand Rub/m² for Ukhta. Among apartments with area in range: from 20 to 350 m², from 215 to 3767 ft².
** exchange rates used: US $1 = 61.91 RUB; €1 = 69.38 RUB; £1 = 81.31 RUB; 1 CHF = 63.90 RUB; 1 CNY = 8.89 RUB; 1 JPY = 0.57 RUB; 1 foot = 0.3048 meter; 1 meter ≈ 3.2808399 feet. Prices are rounded to whole numbers.
Volume of secondary housing market in Ukhta*
total sellingtotal costtotal area
1.5 thousand apartments$60.58 million76.6 thousand m²
824.4 thousand ft²
Ukhta flats/apartments in secondary housing market
1 bedroom apartments26.4%385$9.49 million11.8 thousand m²
127.2 thousand ft²
2 bedroom apartments34.6%505$18.83 million24.0 thousand m²
257.9 thousand ft²
3 bedroom apartments32.5%475$25.37 million32.2 thousand m²
346.1 thousand ft²
multi-bedroom apartments6.6%96$6.88 million8.65 thousand m²
93.1 thousand ft²
* counted number of apartments in Ukhta based on total volume of data using multiparametric deep processing and filter of price/area for current city. Count does not include sale of shares, rooms and "studio" apartment.
Ukhta average apartment cost per square foot/meter *
number of bedroomsaverage cost
1 bedroom apartments49 131 Rub/m²794 $/m²74 $/ft²
2 bedroom apartments48 087 Rub/m²777 $/m²72 $/ft²
3 bedroom apartments48 056 Rub/m²776 $/m²72 $/ft²
multi-bedroom apartments49 032 Rub/m²792 $/m²74 $/ft²
* calculated weighted averages values of apartment prices per 1 square foot (sq. meter) for different numbers of rooms in Ukhta secondary housing market. 1 foot = 0.3048 meter; 1 meter ≈ 3.2808399 feet.
Ukhta flats/apartments cost on 06.01.2020*
bedroomaverage area average apartment cost
1 bedroom flat30.7 m²330.4 ft²1 526 124 Rub.$ 24 652
2 bedroom flat47.4 m²510.7 ft²2 308 856 Rub.$ 37 296
3 bedroom flat67.7 m²728.6 ft²3 306 769 Rub.$ 53 416
4+ bedroom flat90.1 m²970.3 ft²4 438 333 Rub.$ 71 695
* table shows weighted average value of area and apartment cost for different numbers of rooms in Ukhta.

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